It’s Back to School time, which means picture day is right around the corner! School portraits and Bad portraits go together like coffee and cream. Here are 5 Do’s and Don’ts to help make the experience and result more bearable.


  1. DO DRESS THE PART. Back to School portraits aren’t always the greatest, but at least your kiddo can be dressed for the part. Your school’s portrait photographer will most likely have vibrant backgrounds. Remember those 80’s dappled backgrounds. Yes those! Neutrals always work well….you know: whites, greys and browns. You can also get away with plaid shirts, but always remember stripes are WAY TOO MUCH! Solid colors are definitely the way to go. Let’s put that old art class knowledge to work. Primary colors (red, yellow and blue) are one way to go, but you can always opt for solid colors in secondary colors (green, orange and purple). I forgot to mention primary colors create a lively palette that we associate with childhood fundamentals, so anytime you can incorporate red, yellow, and blue in a photo, you have an eye-catching winner.

  2. DO RESERVE OUTFITS FOR PICTURE DAY. Yay! You and your kiddo have decided on an outfit for Picture Day. Now it’s best to avoid wearing those pieces before the big day. It can be tempting to wear this awesome outfit beforehand. But avoiding unintended rips, strains or snags for your best photo. Set the outfit aside and make sure it's hung and pressed for a fresh look in front of the camera. Afterward, wear that look whenever!

  3. DO GET A GOODNIGHTS REST. No matter if your little one is in preschool or a graduating senior, getting to bed at a reasonable hour the night before Picture Day is always a great idea. They call it Beauty Sleep for a reason! After a full night’s rest your little one will look fresh, plus it will help keep the crabby attitude away if they tend to get a little ornery when tired. This applies to both Pre-K and High-schoolers…Am I Right?

  4. DO HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Reinforce a positive attitude by sharing with your children how wonderful they are and how much you’re looking forward to seeing their portraits. Let them know you trust them to work politely with the photographer to create a portrait they’ll be proud to share.

  5. DO GET GROOMED. Schedule a hair cut for at least 10 days ahead of photo day. Bang cuts should be at least a week old. Neat, shiny hair always looks best. Keep in mind that complicated hair styles can not withstand recess, and school schedules do not allow much time for hairstyling for their school portrait. And no “bed head.”


  1. DON’T PACK A MESSY LUNCH. While some schools have portraits scheduled in the morning, many schedule them throughout the day. So you may not know what time during the day your little one will have their portrait taken. So being cautious of what you pack for snacks and lunch can avoid foods that can drip, smear or otherwise be messy to hopefully keep their picture day outfit clean and tidy.

  2. DON’T STRESS YOUR KIDS. It’s easy for Picture Day to morph from excitement to anxiety especially if we put too much pressure on them to have the perfect picture taken. Try to not to worry too much about the final result, if you do it can stress your little one too much. It’s best to just look at it as a time to document your child at the age they are and if you don’t like them you can always have your local photographer retake them . (wink wink)

  3. DON’T OVER PRACTICE SMILES. Fresh is best when it comes to smiles! Having your little one practice their smile over and over again can create a forced look in their portraits. I know we all strive for that perfect smile you love so much, however, when your little one feels the pressure to have the perfect smile for you they have a tendency to over do it to make you happy. And we know you love them no matter what!

  4. DON’T WEAR OVERSIZED OR GRAPHIC TEES. We know that all of our little love specific super heroes, games or the newest musical artist, however when it comes to their school portrait you want them to be the star! Oversized outfits or t-shirts can take over making your little disappear in the portrait, while graphic tees can be quite busy and distracting. When looking at your little’s portrait you want their face to be front and center not what they are wearing.

  5. DON’T FORGET TO BRAG. When it comes to portraits of your little ones it’s okay to brag. Portraits are just so important and build self confidence!


Our Senior Portrait Process
